It was about one in the morning and Tenpenny was obviously tired so he toddled off to bed . Just to see how the AI in the game worked out , I followed him and he promptly hopped into his bed and fell asleep .
"Meh" I muttered and made my way to the door , but then the old man awoke and made his way out of the room , as if he had some sort of secret agenda . The guard was still posted outisde his suite and said hello as Allistair made his way into Burkes suite....and lay down next to him on the bed . They both fell asleep .
Is this some sort of creepy six thing going on between a psychotic weirdo and a creepy old man? Or is it just AI glitches? I mean , Tenpenny always seemed to speak highly of Burke , and since that somehwat disturbing night , I have seen the exact same thing happen once more .