Btw, the links in your sig are swapped for your NV mods.
Woops, thanks.
I'm starting to put together a to-do list for Beta 2 (or Release 1 if NVSE beats me to it)
vision upgrades (helmetless vision overhaul, helmet zoom, night vision modes, targeting monocles)
Liquid Ninja
jumping heat accumulation
water and rain temperture effects (armor should cool more quickly when submerged or rained on)
leveled availability (better mods may not be available until the PC has reached certain levels)
tiered quest availability (mods will become available as you progress through a quest, rather than everything at the end)
So the next release will have a Thermal Regulation Override/Liquid Cooling dependent upgrade called the Liquid Nitrogen Injection Aperture, or Liquid Ninja for short. What it'll do is allow the user to momentarily replace their liquid coolant with liquid nitrogen. The unit accepts disposable liquid nitrogen charges that will use the flamer fuel ammo model, and will be triggered by double tapping the TRO hotkey while TRO is active. Upon activation, the unit exposes a small amount of its charge to atmospheric pressure, causing it to immediately evaporate. The expanding gas displaces the liquid coolant into a reservoir to prevent it from freezing when the rest of the liquid nitrogen is injected. Once the coolant lines have emptied, the liquid nitrogen is injected and circulates until it's evaporated, at which point the liquid coolant is reintroduced into the system and another charge is loaded, if available. The end result will be a nearly instantaneous temperature reduction of a hundred degrees or so.