First of all, if you haven't seen something in games it doesn't necessary meen it doesn't exist at all.
What about technollogy in Tamriel? Has technollogy evolved over time? Were people once primitive cavemen and now advanced like the Romans?
If I must make comparison I would make it with High middle ages. Peoples of Tamriel know how to build magnificent towns, roads, bridges, they travel across great seas, they know hot to make siege machines (even primitive guns), they have very advanced smithing techniques... I say were primitive before, but I would also say that mer were a bit less primitive than humans.
Also what about baths and sewage? Do they have any kind of cleanliness?
Great part of games is situated in sewers, so yes they know for sewage and I'm sure they know for baths. If we can make conclusion about hygiene on Tamriel I doubt they spend hours under shower or in tubs, except parts of aristocracy

. Even our Earthly ancient times were far from being clean.
I do know that locks evolved over time from one book I read, but what about weapons? Did swords and axes and stuff evolve over time?
Logic says yes, look about Dunmeri armor, evolution from basic chitin armor to "Indoril" armor.
How do they transport clean water? I've never seen an aquaduct...
See my first line, most of the cities are near watter, perhaps someone carries it buckets?!
And finally where is the farming output? Are there any large scale plantations in Tamriel to feed everybody?
What about food and ingredient vendors? There quite a bit lore about Dunmeri plantations in south and some lore about farms in Cyrodiil.