Another take on this. As someone who has migrated from OBMM to BAIN, one of my key learnings (thanks to Psymon), was combining a number of mods into one BAIN package. This helps ensure that all related content is included in a single package - actually, I now combine related mods (such as quests) into a single BAIN package. Makes the whole process of installation, mod management, etc so much easier and simpler.
So like Psymon, I think that OBMM to BAIN automation is a bad idea because, apart from anything else, it compromises some of the key advantages of BAIN packages.
I find myself agreeing with (both of) you, actually, now that I've gone ahead and (gasp!) installed a few, and mucked around with creation and modification.

Just thought it was an idea, as an *option* to be used with care, just like any other mod utility. *shrug* Hey, not a request anyway, and I'm not fussed, whatever happens (likely nothing.)

edit: In fact, I'll just take the time right now to send some heartfelt thanks out to Wrye, and to Psymon and Tomlong. It's a brilliant installer (naturally, but I had to find out for myself) and all of you have gone to great lengths to make it nowhere near as painful as I had heard / assumed at an earlier stage. I believe I have - even though taking my first steps now - moved from OBMM to BAIN as well. :celebration: