CATEGORY - Gameplay additions and changes
AUTHOR - Tornhelix
DATE - March 1, 2011
This mod adds recipies for 40mm grenades (regular and incendiary), 25mm grenades (regular and high explosive), the three flavors of missiles (regular, HE, and high velocity), mini nukes (YES!), and all flavors of grenades and mines. Also, I added an alternate recipe for bottlecap mines instead of changing the vanilla recipe to maintain compatibility with other mods. Also added a recipe to make C4 charges. I also added ways to use Frag grenades and mines to make 25mm and 40mm grenades.
NOTE - THIS MOD was originally designed to be used in tandem with the DENV mod by Wuphon's Reach.
As of CIAO 2.0, DENV is no longer required to ensure a balanced gameplay experience. However, if you prefer DENV's adjustments over CIAO's, simply make sure DENV loads AFTER CIAO.
Explosions are fun. When someone or something that is trying to kill you is caught in an explosion, aforementioned explosion is even more fun. Therefore, if you can make explosions on your own with the right know-how to conquer your enemies and impress your friends, you'll be having yourself some serious fun.
It is widely accepted that the explosive capability in vanilla Fallout New Vegas was cool and all, but lacking in several areas. Power, for one thing, and accessibility for another. There are afew mods on the Nexus that address these issues. Deadlier Explosives New Vegas (DENV) fixes (in my opinion) the power issue (awesome mod, btw) and a few mods have added/changed recipies for explosives, but they all add stuff that is cool and all but is too powerful/buggy/confusing/annoying.
Enter this mod. It is my first. My goal is to make a comprehensive mod for those of us who like some boom-boom with our pow-pow, but in a simple, straightforward way.
The other reason I decided to make this mod was that I enjoy using a mod that makes the player's Barter skill extremely potent, and explosive ammo can be very expensive to buy. I got tired of having to make every explosives-oriented character also an amateur merchant (i.e. plop a lot of points into Barter.)
NOTE - THIS MOD was originally designed to be used in tandem with the DENV mod by Wuphon's Reach.
As of CIAO 2.0, DENV is no longer required to ensure a balanced gameplay experience. However, if you prefer DENV's adjustments over CIAO's, simply make sure DENV loads AFTER CIAO.
Simply unzip the .esp file into your New Vegas/Data folder. This folder also contains FalloutNV.esm. Check the file in your mod manager of choice or the "data files" tab in the FNV launcher, and enjoy!
Uncheck and delete the esp. Note that any created vanilla items will remain on your character, only the recipes will vanish. All ammo/weapon types that were added by CIAO will vanish as well as their recipes.
1.0 Feb 9 2011 - Initial release. Basic recipes, a few typos ;( Renamed mod from FER to CIAO.
- Added conversion and "semi-conversion" recipes
- Increased mini nukes from 100 MF cells to 250 MF cells
- Increased all "from scratch" 40mm yields from 4 to 5
- added wonderglue to C4 recipe
1.1 Feb 10 2011 - Added recipes: 2 frag grenades to 25mm/40mm, 2 frag mines to 25mm/40mm, 1 grenade and 1 mine to 25mm/40mm
- Added Breakdown recipes for grenades, mines, 25mm, 40mm, and mininukes.
- Finally remembered to update the readme to show the sensor module in the Pulse Mine and Plasma Mine recipes.
- Added 50 SEC and 1 conductor to Mini Nuke recipe. Full recipe below.
- Added a scrap electronics to the plasma grenade and plasma mine recipes.
- Cleaned up the in-game descriptions of the alternate/conversion recipes to make it easier to understand what is required and what you get from it.
- fixed some typos

- probably introduced new typos

1.2 Feb 12 2011 - Added recipes to convert 25mm and 40mm to and from their regular versions and High Explosive versions.
- Added new ammo types and relevant recipes
- 40mm - HE, EMP
- 25mm - Incendiary
- Missile - EMP, Sabot (AP), nuclear (yes, you read that correcttly

1.3 Feb 13 2011 - De-edited/restored vanilla form lists. The mod now adds the relevant ammo types to their respective form lists via script. This will boost compatibility with other mods considerably
- Added recipe - incendiary grenade. Can't believe I forgot about this guy!
- Added new ammo types, with recipes - 25mm EMP, 40mm AP
- Added new mine with recipe - incendiary mine. Instant cure for "cold feet"

- Added new explosion type for 40mm HE (makes it have more OOMF!) - all new ammo and explosive types have their own explosion type, forgot to add one for 40mm HE in 1.2
2.0 Feb 14 2011 - Added all new CIAO-made ammo and weapons to their relevent Perks (Pyromaniac, Demolition Expert, etc.) via script. I even added Incendiary Mines to the "Gotta Hand Grenade It To You" challenge cuz I'm a nice guy like that.
- Also added vanilla Mercy and Thump Thump to the list for weapons that have incendiary ammo types. Not entirely sure what this formlist's function actually is (it has no use data), but it seemed like a good idea, so I did it. I also added the Fat Man to the Demolitions Expert list

- Removed AP Grenade and its recipe until I can figure out how to actually make it work

- Added 25mm High Velocity rounds. Excellent against lightly armored targets. They might as well be spitwads if they come at us with tanks...
- Added Incendiary and Plasma Missiles

- Addec recipes to create and breakdown dynamite and long-fuse dynamite.
- Added recipe to breakdown vanilla timebombs
- Added new explosive weapons - Remote Incendiary bombs, Remote Explosive Bombs, and Remote EMP Charges

- Added scrap electronics to the Pulse Grenade recipe. I meant to do this in 1.1...
- Adjusted EMP ammo to be effective only on Robots and Power Armor (y'know, like they're supposed to

- Expanded mod to overhaul all vanilla explosives and explosive weapons. If you find yourself preferring DENV's values, simply load DENV after (i.e. farther down the list than) CIAO. If you prefer the vanilla values, I honestly have no idea why you downloaded this mod

2.1 Mar 1 2011 - Added 200 Lead -> 1 scrap metal recipe
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed the recipe for incendiary mines using homemade fuel to actually use homemade fuel
- Adjusted weight for missiles. Nukes are still 4, AP/Sabot and Plasma missiles are 3, all others are 2
- Fixed incendiary mine from flamer fuel recipe to include the sensor module
- Adjusted incendiary missile recipe to use a lot less rifle powder
- All HE ammo types now degrade the weapon 15% faster (now you actually have a reason to use regular ammo types!)
- Adjusted all HV ammo types to use a slightly weaker explosion (less damage, force, and radius)
- Made the 25mm HV ammo less susceptible to gravity
- Added .50 MG incendiary recipe
- Increased the value of mininukes to be in line with the value of missile nukes.
- Added new ammo types - 20ga incendiary, 12ga explosive, .50 MG High Explosive

- Added powder charges to Cowboy perk list (since dynamite is used in the weapon)
- Raised base damage of frag grenades
- Added "Trinamite" - 3 sticks of dynamite duct taped and wonderglued together pack quite a pop

- Added dynamite throwing spear

- Extended crafting dynamite, long fuse dynamite, trinamite, and dynaspears to Campfires
- Added CIAO: Dead Money. This was done in a seperate ESP file, available on the same Nexus page as CIAO under "Optional Files." Revamped the explosives added in the Dead Money DLC - damage, radius, value, etc. Also added the weapons to the relevant form lists (Cowboy, Demo expert, Pyromaniac, etc.). If you don't have Dead Money, don't use the file. If you do have Dead Money, and even if you have finished it, use the CIAO DM file. The explosives that the DLC adds are available throughout the Mojave via crafting and... other means

::Future versions::
3.0 Your guess is as good as mine 2011:
- Figure out the NPC/merchant stuff
The only bugs I'm aware of are the funky look of the new remote EMP charge and remote Incendiary bomb, as well as the fact that the new trimite looks like a regular stick of dynamite and the new dynamite throwing spear looks like a regular throwing spear. Purely cosmetic, the weapons function as intended. If someone with modelling/skinning/texturing/meshing skills has some free time and wants to make original gfx for them, I'd be happy to include them, with proper credit given

THE RECIPES - All yields may be broken down to parts EXCEPT the bottlecap mines and anything that uses flamer fuel or homemade flamer fuel and a few others as noted. For all breakdowns, you must have the yielded amount (i.e. 5 for 40mm grenade breakdowns, 10 for 25mm).
Dynamite - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 5 at a Workbench OR at a campfire
-25 pistol powder
Dynamite, Long Fuse - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 5 at a Workbench OR at a campfire
-25 pistol powder
Trinamite - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down. How would one undo wonderglue AND duct tape without ruining the dynamite sticks?)
Skill: Explosives 20 at a Workbench OR at a campfire
-3 dynamite
-1 duct tape
-1 wonderglue
Dynamite throwing spear - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down - see above)
Skill: 35 at a Workbench OR at a camp fire
-1 dynamite
-1 throwing spear
-1 wonderglue OR 1 duct tape
Frag Grenade - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 30 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-50 pistol powder
-1 bobby pin
Incendiary Grenade - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Workbench
-1 Empty Nuka Cola bottle OR 1 empty milk bottle OR 1 large whiskey bottle OR 1 empty Sunset Sarsaparilla botle OR 1 empty whiskey bottle
-10 flamer fuel OR 20 homemade fuel
Frag Mine - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 30 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-50 pistol powder
-1 sensor module
Incendiary Mine - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-1 tin can
-10 pistol powder
-20 flamer fuel OR 40 homemade fuel
-1 sensor module
Remote Incendiary Mine - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 25 at a WOrkbench
-1 scrap metal
-1 tin can
-10 pistol powder
-20 flamer fuel OR 40 homemade fuel
-1 sensor module
-1 scrap electronics
Pulse Grenade - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 40 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-5 pistol powder
-20 small energy cells
-1 scrap electronics (triggering mechanism anologous to the bobby pin found in regular hand grenades)
Pulse Mine - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 40 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-5 pistol powder
-20 small energy cells
-1 sensor module
Remote EMP Charge - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 40 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-5 pistol powder
-20 small energy cells
-1 sensor module
-1 scrap electronics
Remote EMP Charge from a Pulse Mine - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 45 at a Workbench
-1 pulse mine
Plasma Grenade - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 50 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-1 scrap electronics
-5 pistol powder
-20 microfusion cells
Plasma Mine - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 50 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-1 scrap electronics
-5 pistol powder
-20 microfusion cells
-1 sensor module
Bottlecap Mine - Yield 1 (Cannot breakdown bottlecap mine. When you make one, make sure it was on purpose!)
Skill: Explosives 75 at a Workbench
-1 cherry bomb (instead of 5)
-1 sensor module
-150 caps (instead of 10)
-1 duct tape (gotta have something to hold the cherry bomb and sensor module from bouncing around, glue could cause problems)
-1 lunchbox
Remote Explosive Bomb - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 60 at a Workbench
-5 Dynamite
-1 scrap electronics
-1 duct tape (when broken down, duct tape is lost)
-1 sensor module
Remote Explosive Bomb from a Timebomb - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 65 at a Workbench
-1 Timebomb
-Egg timer from timebomb lost in conversion
C4 Plastic Explosive - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 75 at a Workbench
-1 scrap metal
-1 sensor module
-100 pistol powder
-100 rifle powder
-1 abraxo cleaner
-1 duct tape
-1 wonderglue
25mm Grenade - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-100 pistol powder
-50 rifle powder
25mm Grenade from 25mm Grenade HE - Yield 10
-Skill: Explosives 30 at a Reloading Bench
-7 25mm Grenade HE
25mm Grenade from 1 Frag Grenade OR 1 Frag Mine- Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 45 at a Reloading Bench
-1 Frag Grenade OR 1 Frag Mine
-50 pistol powder
-50 rifle powder
-bobby pin or sensor module lost in conversion
25mm Grenade from 2 Frag Grenades OR 2 Frag Mines - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 50 at a Reloading Bench
-2 Frag Grenades OR 2 Frag Mines
-50 rifle powder
-bobby pin or sensor module lost in conversion
25mm Grenade from 1 Frag Grenade AND 1 Frag Mine - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 55 at a Reloading Bench
-1 Frag Grenade AND 1 Frag Mine
-50 rifle powder
-bobby pin AND sensor module lost in conversion
25mm Grenade from 40mm Grenade - Yield 3
Skill: Explosives 35 at a Reloading Bench
-1 40mm Grenade
25mm Grenade HE from 40mm Grenade - Yield 2
Skill: Explosives 35 at a Reloading Bench
-1 40mm Grenade
25mm Grenade, High Explosive - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-135 pistol powder
-75 rifle powder
25mm Grenade HE from 25mm Grenade - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 30 at a Reloading Bench
-13 25mm Grenade
25mm Grenade HE from a Frag Grenade or Frag Mine- Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 45 at a Reloading Bench
-1 Frag Grenade or 1 Frag Mine
-85 pistol powder
-75 rifle powder
-bobby pin or sensor module lost in conversion
25mm Grenade HE from 2 Frag Grenades OR 2 Frag Mines - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 50 at a Reloading Bench
-2 Frag Grenades OR 2 Frag Mines
-35 pistol powder
-75 rifle powder
-bobby pin or sensor module lost in conversion
25mm Grenade HE from 1 Frag Grenade AND 1 Frag Mine - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 55 at a Reloading Bench
-1 Frag Grenade AND 1 Frag Mine
-35 pistol powder
-75 rifle powder
-bobby pin AND sensor module lost in conversion
25mm Grenade, Incendiary - Yield 10 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-50 pistol powder
-25 rifle powder
-15 flamer fuel OR 30 homemade flamer fuel
25mm Grenade, High Velocity - Yield 10 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 35 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-100 pistol powder
-50 rifle powder
-5 flamer fuel OR 10 homemade flamer fuel
25mm Grenade, EMP - Yield 10
Skill: Explosives 40 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-10 pistol powder
-5 rifle powder
-20 energy cells
25mm Grenade, EMP from a Pulse Grenade OR a Pulse Mine
Skill: Explosives 45 at a Reloading Bench
-1 pulse grenade OR pulse mine
-5 rifle powder
-sensor module from mine lost if used in converesion
40mm Grenade - Yield 5
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-50 pistol powder
-100 rifle powder
40mm Grenade from 40mm Grenade, High Explosive - Yield 5
Skill: 30 Explosives at a Reloading Bench
-3 40mm Grenade
40mm Grenade from a Frag Grenade or Frag Mine- Yield 5
Skill: Explosives 45 at a Reloading Bench
-1 Frag Grenade or 1 Frag Mine
-100 rifle powder
-bobby pin or sensor module lost in conversion
40mm Grenade from 25mm Grenade - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 35 at a Reloading Bench
-3 25mm Grenade
40mm Grenade from 25mm Grenade HE- Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 35 at a Reloading Bench
-3 25mm Grenades
40mm Grenade, High Explosive - Yield 5
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-75 pistol powder
-135 rifle powder
40mm Grenade HE from 40mm Grenade - Yield 5
Skill: 30 explosives at a Reloading Bench
-7 40mm Grenade
40mm Grenade HE from 40mm Grenade - Yield 5
Skill: Explosives 30 at a Reloading Bench
-7 40mm Grenade
40mm Grenade, Incendiary - Yield 5 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 25 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-25 pistol powder
-50 rifle powder
-30 flamer fuel OR 60 homemade flamer fuel
40mm Grenade, EMP - Yield 5
Skill: Explosives 40 at a Reloading Bench
-1 scrap metal
-5 pistol powder
-10 rifle powder
-20 small energy cells
40mm Grenade, EMP from a Pulse Grenade OR a Pulse Mine
Skill: Explosives 45 at a Reloading Bench
-1 pulse grenade OR pulse mine
-10 rifle powder
-sensor module from mine lost if used in converesion
40mm Grenade, AP - Yield 5
Skill: Explosives 45 at a Reloading Bench
-2 scrap metal
-100 pistol powder
-125 rifle powder
Mini Nuke - Yield 1
Skill: Explosives 100 at a Reloading Bench
-3 scrap metals
-1 fission battery
-250 microfusion cells
-50 small energy cells
-1 conductor
Missile - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 75 at a Reloading Bench
-2 scrap metals
-200 rifle powder
-10 flamer fuel OR 20 homemade flamer fuel
Missile, High Explosive - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 75
-2 scrap metals
-275 rifle powder
-10 flamer fuel OR 20 homemade flamer fuel
Missile, High Velocity - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 75 at a Reloading Bench
-2 scrap metals
-200 rifle powder
-20 flamer fuel OR 40 homemade flamer fuel
Missile, Sabot (AP) - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 80 at Reloading Bench
-3 scrap metal
-225 rifle powder
-50 pistol powder
-15 flamer fuel OR 30 homemade fuel
Missile, EMP - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 80 at a Reloading Bench
-2 scrap metal
-100 rifle powder
-40 small energy cells
-10 flamer fuel OR 20 homemade fuel
Missile, Incendiary - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 70 at a Reloading Bench
-2 scrap metal
-100 rifle powder
-40 flamer fuel OR 80 homemade fuel
Missile, Plasma - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: 90 at a Reloading Bench
-2 scrap metals
-1 fission battery
-100 microfusion cells
-15 energy cells
-20 flamer fuel (cannot use homemade fuel. Its freaking plasma!)
Missile, Nuclear - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Explosives 100 at a Reloading Bench
-2 scrap metals
-1 fission battery
-125 microfusion cells
-25 energy cells
-1 conductor
-30 flamer fuel (cannot use homemade fuel. Its freaking nuclear!)
20 gauge, incendiary - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Repair 20 at a Reloading Bench
-1 shotshell primer
-1 20ga hull
-10 pistol powder
-20 lead
-1 flamer fuel OR 2 homemade fuel
12 gauge, explosive - Yield 1
Skill: Repair 60 at a Reloading Bench
-1 shotshell primer
-1 12ga hull
-35 pistol powder
-35 lead
-25 rifle powder
.50 MG, incendiary - Yield 1 (cannot be broken down)
Skill: Repair 65 at a Reloading Bench
-1 .50 MG case
-1 .50 MG primer
-15 rifle powder
-50 lead
-5 flamer fuel OR 10 homemade fuel
.50 MG, High Explosive - Yield 1
Skill: Repair 80 at a Reloading Bench
-1 .50 MG case
-1 .50 MG primer
-30 rifle powder
-60 lead
-25 pistol powder
Convert Lead into Scrap metal - Yield 1
Skill: Repair 10 at a Reloading Bench
-200 lead
0) Make a comp patch for Imp's More Complex Needs mod to use the empty big bottles of water to make a more powerful incendiary grenade

1) add new grenades ammo types to NPCs (Super Mutants, Vipers, Fiends, etc.) - this probably won't happen anytime soon
2) add new ammo types to vendors (this probably won't happen anytime soon)
3) Plasma versions of 25mm and 40mm, while cool, might be a bit much. I would add them if requested enough times, however:)
4) Possibly some 25mm/40mm to frag grenade/frag mine mini-conversions. Personally, I think creating frags and mines from scratch is easy enough, but again, if requested, I'll add the conversions.
In theory, this mod should be compatible (if redundant) with any mod that adds similar recipes. Nothing was changed, only added. It is always a good idea to use FNVEdit or Wyre Bash to make a merged/bashed patch. I use FNVEdit personally, I think its easy to use and effective.
Entire mod authored by me, Tornhelix, using nothing but vanilla content from Fallout New Vegas. Of course, almost every mod I have played has in some way, big or small, helped me learn how to make mods on my own, so in a way, this mod was authored by dozens of modders

-All modders and mod users, for making the FNV mod community the living, breathing beast that it is.
-The staff behind the Nexus sites, for giving all modders and mod users a place to call home.
-Obsidian Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks, for reasons that should be fairly obvious., see above.