So let's keep everyone at a medieval tech level forever, so there won't be another atomic war! Instead, they can die of hunger and disease and childbirth and plain ol' guns and knives and pointy sticks... while the Brothers sit comfy in their air-conditioned bunker and watch it all on CCTV.
(And then, as the Chinese emperors learned when they tried to manage their own people's technological progress, theEnclave foreign devils show up on your doorstep with even spiffier toys and conquer the realm.)
EDIT: But then, why am I surprised, really? These are the same folks who thought it was a great joke to send people off to die in a radioactive pit (if they made it that far).
(And then, as the Chinese emperors learned when they tried to manage their own people's technological progress, the
EDIT: But then, why am I surprised, really? These are the same folks who thought it was a great joke to send people off to die in a radioactive pit (if they made it that far).
Well, no-one's medieval in Fallout as far as we've seen. People still have their conventional weapons, and energy weapons are still in circulation. Things like this aren't that amazingly important to the BoS after a while, their real interest is in securing machines, places of technological interest etc. Handheld weapons aren't the mainstay of their objective.
Well, some may have found it amusing, but honestly why would they care? As long as they got what they wanted from it. They're not forcing anyone down there. Hell they didn't even let their own go there, the only reason Sergeant Dennis Allen went there was because he took some tech with him and went AWOL, much like the Outcasts did infact. Besides it was probably more of a deterant than an actual trial, it just so happens the Vault Dweller pulled it off, to their great disbelief and surprise, but in the end everyone got what they wanted.
It was greed that destroyed the world.
In the United States, fusion power was a reality. No gas stations, no gas-driven cars, no fossil-fuel-burning power plants. The entire United States Economy had switched to fusion power. And we weren't going to share with "those damned commies", not without charging an arm, a leg, and the firstborn child from EVERY last person living in China. That is what backed China into a corner, and pretty much forced them to go to war against the U.S.
So, what destroyed the world?
Greed, and a failure to SHARE technology ... that's what.
It was greed that destroyed the world.
In the United States, fusion power was a reality. No gas stations, no gas-driven cars, no fossil-fuel-burning power plants. The entire United States Economy had switched to fusion power. And we weren't going to share with "those damned commies", not without charging an arm, a leg, and the firstborn child from EVERY last person living in China. That is what backed China into a corner, and pretty much forced them to go to war against the U.S.
So, what destroyed the world?
Greed, and a failure to SHARE technology ... that's what.
Dude, nuclear warheads went boom, tech destroyed the world