Just to be clear, I'm not trying to hassle or hurry anyone, and I do realise these things take time, people have lives to live, and so on.* Just curious, and keen on trying out TGND. Um, so to speak. But FCOM is a must, for me. I really wouldn't want to play without it.
Oh, and for those drowning in acronym soup, it stands for The Girl Next Door, one of the most recent female body mods... possibly the most recent. Anyway, it's quite a bit more "natural" than most, and sounds like just the thing, IMO.
But there's always the clothing meshes issue, that has got in the way of me using at least two other body types so far. Hopefully, this won't be another...
* edit: Heh. Well, that and I'm not sure it's even on the agenda to begin with!