I have a small collection of antique items that I wear or show off often. I'll get looks as I walk by, but never 'bad' looks.
I have a great sense of style. Any excuse to wear a suit and I'm there.
I know a fairly large amount about cooking and the restaurant business. Enough to open my own, assuming I have the cash to start up.
At 21, I've had three threesomes and I've watched girls doing the horizontal monster mash on more than one occasion.
I'm a total lightweight. A cheap drunk. A lot of people are ashamed of this, I love being able to spend 20 bucks and get as drunk as a guy who spends 60.
haha nice

you got me beat by 2...but ummm.....anyways.....

I also forgot to mention I'm proud of my coin collection, I know it sounds lame for a 17 year old to participate in whats considered and "old man's hobby" but I LOVE coins and the rush of finding old or rare coins. I'm so proud of it that I even showed my collection to my gf the first time she came to my house, I took a gamble that she might think I'm a total dork and dump me. At first she thought it was hilarious, but then I showed her my mint condition Indian Head penny from 1889...[censored]es love Indian Head pennies...
Edit: Also I've been a Police Explorer for over 3 years and I expect to put another year in before I leave for the military.