NAME: Boreili Serpiginous
EFFECT: Stunted Magicka (if possible just pull 10% of total - maybe OBSE can do that

) and Drain INT 3 points
COMMENTS: It's a brain fever. Actually it is two fold, either you get the slight penalties of stunted magica and some slower wit or it might lead to death, but let us just do the lighter one. Folklore see it as a bad wind from Chimera of Desolation (a deadric plane for you lore challenged

) the mages guild has somewhat the right of it and says it is sick animals in summer; although any farmer would know they wont get sick from sick animals and eyes the tick with suspicion.
CONTRACTING: Carried by ticks, thus one could contract it from Deer, wolfs even dogs. Animals that has fur and live in the woods or high grass. Temperate zones, summer.
EDIT - Every sickness should drain fatigue! Like 5% or more - you know how tired you get with a simple cold!
I haven't tried the new Overhaul yet - I just want to add that having every single animal carrying a disease would get frustrating. I don't know how you set it up but a max of 10% of the animals you meet should actually be sick. Can one have an adjustable value of this maybe?
edited for clarity