2. I want to talk - What I like in Mass Effect that I would love to see in TES finally is the player character talking- you select what you want him/her to say like Shepherd and then they'll flap their tongue.
3. Flirting and Romancing - God didn't want Adam to be alone... I don't want Ethaniel to be alone

4. Voice pitch adjusted according to age; The female elves' voices wouldn't be so painful to listen to if it came out of a fifty-year-old character. But no, characters as young as 16 sound soooo dreadfully old.
5. Construction Set like Sims It would make modding easier and more fun if you could just load up a program that allows you to create and adjust the TES content in the game the way you do in the Sims.
6. NO....PSYCHIC...... GUARDS; or psychic ANYONE. Part of the thrill of playing an assassin or thief is skillfully carrying out the task while remaining undetected (if you so choooooose). If I am not in sight I should not be witnessed shooting my arrow. No matter what I did or tried, in that mission when I had to kill Adamas Phillida I was ALWAYS seen doing it, even when I hid. People should not know who I am as long as I don't wear the cloaks or get caught committing the crime! Baaaah... unless it is that special case when someone actually is a psychic; a mage or something.
7. Ummm don't smile while you're talking about something sad Anyone else notice that NPCs have rather inappropriate expressions of happiness while talking about something horribly tragic that just happened? Or viseversa?
8. "Oh thank you! I'll be forever in your debt.............. I THINK YOU SHOULD LEAVE. NOW!!" A good example of this is the Rythe quest. When you rescued him from the painting his wife expressed sincere joy and called you friend. Then when I disengaged from the conversation she yelled at me to get out of the house O_O. Well I finished the quest after the time people go to bed and lock their doors so I'm 'trespassing' when I leave the painting and re-enter the Rythe house XD. I hear this was changed anyway so I am grateful.
9. Challenging caves/ruins; Knights of the Nine introduced a unique dungeon/ruin that had puzzles, which tickled my brain and I liked it. We should have more.
10. Some things start to fear you; I can do this in Oblivion, real simple... I can change the aggression level of a critter so it would stop attacking me. I do this with things like crabs, rats, and slaughterfish because it is SO annoying- It's ridiculous to think I am in great peril by a sea bug wanting to pinch me to death. I think at some level certain chars should stop attacking you.
11. Tame an animal I think you could do this with a dog in Fallout 3, though I never got far with that game because that stupid giant robot got stuck on the bridge and I got fed up with the glitches.... but anyway that'd be nice if one of these 'perks' is the ability to calm and even tame an animal and make it your buddy

12. Practice Brawling Sure I can beat the crap out of Arquen as practice, but there is no Arquen in TESS (but probably someone like her I am sure!) so... I hope there are characters that you can practice your combat/magic on that won't scream for guards.
13. I'll just drop this flower.... *THUMP!* It's not a big problem really, but it's weird when a light object falls it sounds like a brick went through the floor.
14. "I know who you are and what guild you are in.... somehow..." You become the Listener of the Black Hand. Infamy skyrockets. People suddenly know you're bad news even though they've NEVER seen you commit crimes. Even if you wear normal clothes when you are not being an assassin, they just know. I hate that.
15. You cannot fast travel when enemies are around Okay fine, but if it's just a stupid mudcrab (or something as trivial) that's just dumb. If you are several levels above the enemy that should not count.
16. Better Character sliders Do dunmers REALLY have to have red eyes? Do Altmers have to have yellow-tinted skin no matter what you do with the sliders to make them another color? Give us the option of creating a character that is not pure elf or pure imperial. I'm sure races mix constantly and there should be more variation in physical appearance, so lets have the option of giving them what ever eye or skin color we want

And... a beard slider for women? Really?

17. I have no other choice but to be a [censored]; there are quests in the game that force my character to make an idiotic choice because there are no other alternatives. Often you will have three different ways of responding, but they lead to the same reaction or outcome.
Well except for LuLa- he was rather special. He seemed nervous when you replied to him in just silence.
18. Needs more display cases? I like showing off souvenirs from quests. The Skingrad house has LOTS of cases, but I'd love to have a house with a room dedicated to displays ^^
....just to name a few