getting this error when i run the bugdump:
no module named wx
according the wryebash page, this is what causes that:
? You haven't installed wxPython or you haven't installed it in the right place.
? Be sure that you actually installed (not just downloaded) wxPython.
? If, when installing wxPython, you did not see the usual installation wizard dialog, then you almost certainly downloaded a corrupted version of wxPython. Re-download it. Make sure that the downloaded file is larger than a few kB (actually, it should be about 8 Mb)
so, i am confused b/c i know i have installed wxpython. and it looks like i have the wryebash install in the correct place- there's a Mopy folder in my Oblivion folder, and various bash folders in my Oblivion>Data folder.
i didn't see an option to run wrye bash as an administrator (like with oblivion mod manager).
might i be better off uninstalling wryebash 285 and instead installing wryebash 275, which is a self installer? if so, how do i uninstall wryebash 285, as it is mixed in with my Oblivion install folders now.