Hey guys, today at around noon I tried to play Mortal Kombat on my 360 and the game wouldn't play which was weird since I was just playing it last night. I've gone through all the solutions that the xbox website suggested (except for sending it in because I will not pay $100) and none of them worked. This happens with all the games I put in, even the ones installed on the HDD. It doesn't even spin really, it just makes a few clicking sounds and says "Reading" then goes back to "Open Tray". I think there might be something wrong with the part that actually spins the disc.
Does anybody know how to fix this? I'm okay with opening it up but I just need a solution.
Sounds like a known issue I have heard about. Think my 360 is going through the early stages of the same thing. Here is a link that explains the problem and how to fix it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oH-uLtM24s. This should help, considering this is the issue you are actually experiencing. You never know.
*Edit*, sorry. Didn't know someone already posted a link. That is actually sort of what I have been doing, except I have simply been pushing the tray in, with the game inside. Usuallu does the trick.