1. Will walking over a mine be an instakill/incap?
2. How many passive abilities will you be able have on at once
3. Are you allowed more than one universal ability at a time?
4. I have heard there are 10 character slots, will each one need to be leveled up individually to 20? Or will it be like I have a level 20 character with all types of abilites, but now I am starting a new character can I use those abilities over there.
Thanks a lot!
1. No, you must step off the Mine for it to blow. You can stand still on it and wait for a Engineer to come by and disarm it, though. No insta kill.
2. As many as you buy, I believe. However, offensive ones are limited to 3.
3. Yes.
4. Yes, you level each one to 20. I believe cosmetic items such as clothing carry over, but other then that, you must buy new abilities on that class.