» Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:13 am
I live in the D, so I have seen the downward spiral here all my life. It does go into politics, but the decline of manufacturing in the American economy was an even greater factor, along with too many years of just plain bad management. The bad times started in the late sixties, with the riots. That made a lot of people leave the inner city and migrate to the suburbs (which is where all the businesses are now). That was a gut blow to the city's tax base of course. Worse, the entire area's economy is based on one thing: The auto industry. There is a saying here. When the Big Three get a cold, everybody sneezes. The energy crisis of the early 70's, and then the serious competition of the Japanese automakers in the late 70's and early 80's slashed into the American auto companies. Chrysler nearly did go bankrupt then, and the other two were not in great shape either. When things got good economically for the rest of the country in the 90's they stayed the same here in Detroit. Then they got bad again in the 2000's, and things of course got worse. Toyota got really aggressive at the same time, and took on GM as contender for #1 carmaker. The American automakers again bled from the jugular, ending with Chrysler indeed going bankrupt, and only surviving because of Fiat. GM and Ford barely scraqed by with government loans. They are all on the rebound now, but only after hacking away at their US staff, especially the Detroit area workers. So more people unemployed.
The bad management came from decades of corrupt mayors of Detroit, starting with Coleman Young. Dennis Archer was a good man who tried to turn things around, but by the time he took over the city had become entrenched with a paralyzing bureaucracy that literally makes it nearly impossible to run a small or medium-sized business there. Not to mention a general sense of malaise throughout city services. Perhaps Archer's greatest accomplishment was getting snow plows for the city. That is right, plowing the roads of snow was a big deal, and that is only the main streets. Sidestreets don't get plows. There are not enough of them. Then after Archer City Hall went right back in the toilet with Kwame Kilpratrick, who is deservedly sitting in a jail cell right now.
It goes on and on, but that is the bare bones of it. The only things the D does have going for it are Kid Rock and the Red Wings.