What I mean by survivalist is, a game that has all the latest hunger, sleep, thirst, and immersion mods. Atmospheric mods that make the make darker and harder. A game in which I die often and every small victory feels like an achievement. Please don't just point me in the direction of a mod list, I want opinions on what you think is best.
This description is just how I want my game as well, so many/most of my mods are made with this goal, so except a bit of shameless self-promotion below:

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24649 is the most detailed and adjustable sleep mod available, and it is 100% compatible with other mods. In http://amito.freehostia.com/Oblivion/OB-mods.htm#extreme you get a decent, but old (as RSE has been updated a lot since then) description, together with description of the Eat/Drinkmods used by Arwen. Real Sleep Extended comes with an optional Automatic Timescale mod. By increasing the timescale when running out in the wild, you can get the sense of urgency.
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26389, while not being a survivalist mod, has the options of restricing or disabling fast travel, hiding the quest and/or player icons from the map, reducing the distance you discover map markers, and to stop the engine from always centering the map on the player (but instead opening it in the same position it was last opened). Combined with a darker nights mod and hunger/thirst/sleep mods, this may really make you feel beeing lost and in danger.
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32365 makes it less effective to repair broken armor/weapons or to brew potions when you're not in a house you own, (or a friendly guild). This too make it more dangerous beeing out in the wild.