» Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:07 am
I like how you can't just start the main quest right away. It's a very different (and IMO better) way than Oblivion's "In Your Face" approach, plus Oblivion makes the main quest sound like something you start as quickly as possible...
I think someone has mentioned it already, but the fact that when you asked for a quest, you'd sometimes be told that the person has already found someone else to do the job. It really made you feel like you weren't alone. Once again, it's totally different from Oblivion and Morrowind where people are simply waiting for YOU to get them out of the trouble.
When your character is a low-level (I don't know if it's still the case when your level is high though), dungeon-crawl is intense. Sleeping and healing is a NECESSITY. Most of the time in Oblivion, I barely needed to heal more than two times in a dungeon... Oh and the dungeons' size may be ridiculously big for some people, I largely prefer that to Oblivion's tiny dungeons. At least Daggerfall's dungeons have loot that's worth it.
In winter, there's snow on buildings, trees and on the ground. It's quite cool.
Holidays were a very nice touch. Wish they would've kept them in Morrowind, and even more in Oblivion.
I'll add more eventually...