Oh, and please, I know Morrowind is very close to many peoples hearts. I don't mean to bash it or anything. I just personally didn't enjoy it. Maybe if I had played it when it first came out?
Maybe, I really don't know. But I do feel a common trend with complaints is that they begin with 'I played it for half an hour and died'. I proved that by typing 'The Elder Scrolls Morrowind is the greatest game in the history of the universe. into Google.
I'd really try giving it a longer run through. Go on uesp.net and check out their http://uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Morrowind_for_Oblivion_Players thing, and their http://uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Starting_out section for Morrowind. Because you may end up loving it.
Anyway, no, you don't go to Morrowind in the game, unless you install the Tribunal expansion pack - and then it's just one city. Bloodmoon gives you another island, Solstheim, roughly 1/6-1/8 the size of the mainland. but Mods like Tamriel Rebuilt are working on giving us that extra goodness

Edit: and Tarhiel? Silly Easter egg. Try out the scrolls

Edit 2: and because I'm feeling nice, I'll tell you a great tutorial that I made up.
Spoiler 1. Give yourself a name.
2. Get out of the boat.
3. Choose 'Redguard', and adjust your face as you wish.
4. Talk to the bald dude and click 'Custom'.
5. Now choose Strength and Endurance as your attributes.
6. The Major skills should be as follows: Long Blade, Heavy Armour, Mercantile, Athletics and Acrobatics.
7. The Minor skills should be as follows: Short Blade, Blunt Weapon, Alchemy, Block and Speechcraft.
8. Your Starsign should be 'The Tower'.
9. Now walk out of that room - on your right, you will find another room. Take the lockpick and dagger from the table, and use the lockpick on a chest on the bookshelf.
10. Then retrieve the money from the chest.
11. Take as many other things as you want from the room.
12. Now walk out of that room, to find yourself outside. Before going through the door ahead, take the 'Engraved Ring of Healing' from inside the barrel.
13. Now go into the door ahead, and talk to the guy in the room, picking all the topics until you receive the 'Package for Caius Cosades'.
14. Now go outside.
15. Talk to a man named 'Fargoth'. He will want to get his ring back - give it to him.
16. Now go to Arrille's Tradehouse and go upstairs - talk to a man named 'Hrisskar Flat-Foot'. Accept his quest to get Fargoth's stuff.
17. Go into the lighthouse, and walk up the stairs to the top. Now use 'T' to wait until midnight.
18. You should see Fargoth holding a torch on the ground below. Wait until he walks into a swamp, and then out again.
19. Once he has left the swamp, jump down from the lighthouse (you'll get hurt, but it doesn't matter) and go into the swamp, press 'SPACE' on the tree stump in the middle, and take everything.
20. Now return to Arrille's Tradehouse.
21. DO NOT talk to Hrisskar again - instead, talk to Arrille, choose 'Barter' and buy an Iron Saber. Equip it.
22. Now walk out, and go across a bridge to the Siltstrider (looks like a giant flea - you can't miss it).
23. Talk to the man standing by the Siltstrider and choose 'Travel'. Now click on 'Balmora'.
24. You will arrive at a new town. Here, search for a house belonging to one 'Caius Cosades'. Go in, and ask him for orders.
25. He will tell you about a variety of people called 'Blades Trainers' - look for these (they are in houses nearby).
26. One Blades Trainer will give you a Steel Helm and Steel Cuirass. Equip these.
27. Now go to the other side of the river to the Fighters Guild. Now talk to someone called Eydis Fire-Eye, and ask to 'Join the Fighters Guild'.
28. Now ask for 'Orders'.
29. She will ask you to go and sort out a cave rat problem. Go to the offending house and kill the cave rat in the building. Now close the door behind you and use the spell 'Tower Key' on the chest on the shelf. Open it and take the gold.
30. Now talk to the woman and take the key to the storage cupboard. Go to the storage and kill the two cave rats. Return to the woman and she will give you a reward in gold.
31. Return to the Fighters Guild and talk to Eydis Fire-Eye. She will reward you too.
32. Now go downstairs and talk to a Redguard named 'Wayn'. Buy as much Steel Armour from him as he has, not including the Helm and Cuirass.
33. Equip all of your armour.
After these instructions, you can literally do whatever you want. I recommend you complete the rest of the orders that Eydis gives you, asking for regular advancements. When she stops giving them, you have a number of options:
Go to the other Fighters Guilds and do those missions
Do some Main Quest by asking Caius Cosades for orders
Join House Redoran (in Ald-Ruhn)
Or alternatively, do whatever you want. There is nothing stopping you now. Although remember to SAVE before exploring dungeons, or basically doing anything that seems difficult.
And to remind you:
WASD to move
Mouse to turn
CAPS LOCK to run
Space to talk to people/open crates, barrels, chests etc./open doors/sleep in a bed - general interaction
Left Click to attack/cast spell/use lockpick
Right Click to open a menu involving inventory, map, list of skills, and spell choice
Q to walk continuously (great for long walks, press W/S/Q again to stop)
E to jump
R to get out hands for casting spells
T to wait/rest
F to get out weapon/lockpick
Esc to open main menu, for saving, quitting, changing options etc.