I may lose my alumnus status from the University of Michigan by saying this, but I'd go with Michigan State over RIT. I say this because a more "well rounded" school has more "well rounded" students - and by well rounded I mean a more diverse student body with more interests. Going to Michigan State will certainly provide you with a diverse range of students to interact with - as much as the rivalry between the University of Michigan and Michigan State may get played up (except when either is playing Ohio State University, then we root for one another), Michigan State is a fine school that will offer you a great education.
As much as I hate to agree with someone from Michigan, I have to here.

Michigan State is the place to go if you're wanting to hang out with a more diverse group of people, its going to offer a much, much wider spectrum of students. Anyone who thinks the same kind of kids go to RIT as to M State is just kidding themselves. Sure there will be kids who like to party or play sports at RIT, but at the end of the day every one of them is there because its an IT school.