lol google

no demo version, there definitly won't be a demo version. It was meant that spectator mode is possible in PC version (free fly), and so i think that there will - logically - even be a possibility to
record a demo.
The quote from Steve says there is a spectator mode.
The statement below that says "corresponding there will be a demo (recorder) version". I doubt they would say that without asking.
Also one of the ESL people gave a personal review which I have translated and he says the same.
"Die schweren Waffen als Heavy hatten eine gleichbleibende Streuung."
'The heavy weapons for the Heavy had the same spread [while moving, walking or crouching].'This is very interesting.
"Man wird s?mtliche Perks sperren k?nnen. Das heisst, man kann Spieler alle auf das Ausgangslevel setzen oder sich auf bestimmte R?nge einigen."
'You can disable all abilities. That means, all players can be set on the basic level or you can agree on certain ranks.'Also a good thing, I guess. If there is no nonsense in public play, where 'Downed Fire' and 'Cortex Bomb' are disabled because Last Stand/Second Chance and Martyrdom in Call of Duty are "whaaa whaaa whaaaa!!!!"
"Auf die Frage zu SDK oder Promod hin konnte Steve Hessel keine definitive Aussage machen. Er meinte aber, dass man erst einmal wolle, dass Brink so gespielt wird, wie es erscheinen wird."'On the question if there would a SDK or Promod, Steve couldn't make any definite statement. However he said, that the developer wants people to play BRINK as it is first.'[/i]
Definately not a 'No' for any SDK.