Remove the original darker night All natural has night darkness settings in its ini
All natural ini:
; =====================================================
; | Enhanced Nights : Configurable nights for Tamriel |
; =====================================================
set ANInitQuest.ENEnabled to 0 ; Enable/Disable Enhanced Nights. (0)
Set ANInitQuest.ENDarknessParameter to 1 ; Multiplier of the brightness at night.
Set ANInitQuest.ENNormalizeNightAmbient to 0 ; Enables/Disables vanilla's blue tint at night.
Set ANInitQuest.ENNormalizeParameter to 0 ; If above is 0, set to 0. If above is 1, set to (DarknessParameter * 60).
; Suggested Values:
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; | |Vanilla|50% Darker Nights|80% Darker Nights|Original Colour Darker Nights|
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; |DarknessParameter | 1 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.33 |
; |NormalizeNightAmbient| 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
; |NormalizeParameter | 0 | 30 | 12 | 0 |
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------