The first thing i tried to do was to install the Convergence mod following outdated and then an advanced forum post somewhere and you were expected to hash together these 2 so that they made sense. The downside is that i dont have the skills. I followed it word for word and oblivion started, but many textures were invisible

So i did a fresh install.
I think Convergence isnt worth the effort but theres so much others around.
Has anyone got a good selection of non-conflicting mods setup and working well? Is there anything i can google for this style of mod list or on these forums?
Also it occured to me, why is the whole mod process so awkward? Id have though in 2006, it was new, fragmented and so on. But in 2010 id have thought that something like the entire FilePlanet Hall of Fame would have been merged and called an "overhaul" as opposed to mods calling themselfs overhauls.