I have spent the day searching this forum as well as many modding sites looking for some clothing mods for oblivion. I have Oblivion on xbox and had played the original on my pc 3 years ago. I now am in the proccess of downloading the GOTY deluxe from steam. ( I know I am crazy as that now makes three times I have bought this game ha).
I come here in the hope that some of you will help me find clothing and face mods that I can use to enhance my gaming experiene. I have in the past used some mods and now do not know what is up to date etc. My old pc went kapoot and all my old mods sit on that hardrive. I apologize in advance if i do not have the names correct but the following are what I recall using:
Face Mods
Better faces (? )- this was a mod that i "think" added some faces to choose when you created your character. I 'think" this mod added faces for most races and had combined some face mods from various modders?
Ren's Msytic elves(?)- i think I had this as a seperate download but thought there was a mod that had this included ..maybe the above better faces mod?
Can anyone recommend a face mod that adds some choices when creating your character that includes most races. I would prefer a face mod that also allows you to adjust faces with the face gen included with the game?
Clothing Mods
I really like the clothing that comes with the vanilla game and would like to have more choices. I love the elegant robes and skirts etc. My favorite outfit right now is the blacksmith pants with the brown shirt for my wood elf female. I would like to find some clothing mods that add more choices but do not replace what is already in the vanilla game. I may be wrong but would there be more clothing choices if i do not use a body mod of any sort?
** Feel free to also suggest a body replacer and any clothing mods that are compatible with said body replacer as i will also take a peek at those.
Thank you all very much in advance.