Where I come from a trailer is just one of http://www.brooklandsfarm.co.uk/Portals/0/LesureTrailers/CamelTrailerBig.jpg.
That's a carrying trailer, or a hitch trailer as it's called around here. My brother-in-law uses it to haul random junk and/or the occasional car. My trailer is actually a bit more then a typical trailer, it's been built on to years ago. Not what you would see in Florida at trailer parks(it's not bright silver and basically corrugated tin), it's got proper siding and everything like a house. It just started life out as a trailer.
Edit: Also, I didn't realize fans had different settings until about a year or two after I moved in here. My parents were visiting and my mom happened to mention that I should make sure I have my fans rotating the right way to help keep it cool in the summer time. Apparently my dad didn't know that either, LOL.