Thanks for would be great if someone could form me a date from your informations. If we look at the vikings, the normal male had a lifespan between 30 and 50 years, depending on their position in the clan. Main reason for a early death was war or/ and starvation. I guess we could compare this to the nord.
There isn't enough information for a guess, but you can guess the maximum and minimum.
Assuming that each King sires a heir between (20 - 40 ), it's a bit broad but we're looking for a maximum and a minimum.
Assuming that each Heir directly follows his Father up on the Throne. This is the heavy assumption, any other form of inheritance makes guessing problematic.
Harald was the thirteenth heir, so he has twelve ancestors before him.
Assuming Harald was 20 years old when he became King.
So Harald came to the Throne (12 * 40 | 20 + 20 =) between 260 or 500 years after Ysgamor. Which is between 117 and 357 ME. A interval probably better described as the Middle of the Late Merethic.