TES4Gecko.PluginException: Plugin DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp changes merged master record editor ID from DL9ChampAxe01 to WeapDaedricWarAxe
TES4Gecko.PluginException: Plugin DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp changes merged master record editor ID from DL9ChampAxe01 to WeapDaedricWarAxe
I couldn't find any info about this specific error on the forums, which is strange since I assume it must have happened to others. Anyway, I'm guessing I have to change something with TES4Edit, but I'm a very long way from knowing what... I've looked up this weapon, and sure enough, it is highlighted in red, with the FormID, EditorID, Script and Damage being different between the official esp and the patch.
Could a kind soul point me in the right direction? This isn't something essential of course, but I want to understand why it doesn't work.