Just want to say a quick shout out to the crowd.I joined back when Oblivion was announced. I haven't found any of my old posts, but being a 16 year old back then, they were what you'd expect. I made a habit about complaining for complaining's sake and stirring up any discussion that praised Oblivion. I think I was even a troll at some point. Very bad on my part and I apologize for that.Anyway, it's been a long time and I've grown up ever since. But I still have a lot of fond memories with the old forum.Just wanted to say "Hi!" to you guys and hope you aren't feeling like dinosaurs or something. Which wouldn't be a bad thing because dinosaurs are awesome.
Oh hi! I remember you. You weren't nearly as bad as a lot of the baddies, so don't feel bad.
And you can hide your own easter eggs!
Are you inplying the Easter Bunny isn't real? :unsure2:
Yeah, Tymus was one of the ones that got kidnapped by the moderators and was never heard from again, who before being a mod was active in discussions, and afterwards was a shadowy figure. :ninja:
Yeah I haven't seen her online on other places either. She must be super busy with her horsies and work. I miss KT!