As I said in another thread, the pig noise that is used in Daggerfall and Warcraft 2 is also used in LOST.
I've heard the door noise a few time, also. As well as the Morrowind door noise.
What generally happens, is that there's a little library of cd's with stock audio on them. Music, sound effects, stuff like that. A lot of studios have the same cd's.
The most common sounds, though, are the sound files that come pre-loaded into different editing programs and the like.
Yup! At the studio where I work, I found various sound files used in Daggerfall and many other games and movies.
Fun fact: The spider's sound effect comes from a purring cat. I was browsing through the files and decided to listen to that soundfile. I jumped off my chair when I heard the spider's sound effect!

One classic sound effect is one of a squeaking metal door. It's ALWAYS used in jails or historical settings with metal doors. It's always the same one, over and over and over. In Daggerfall, there's also the sqeaking wood door, used in dungeons. You'll also find this sound effect with many wooden doors in manors or the likes, in movies.