I was able to find COBLize Items...Is that what you were talking about? Yes, it's turned on, but I still have the different Gem Dusts. Any other ideas?
EDIT: I just looked and it seems that my Gems and Gem Dust is added by Mart's...Could that be the problem?
Man, I am tired and my memory is straining...
but yes, Cobl-ize is what I was referring to. And FWIW, I'm not surprised it didn't fix it for you.
As for which G&G mods are OK, I am almost certain that MMM's is not what you want. Corepc pointed me to the OBSE version I linked above and told me to unsintall any other G&G plugins from FCOM (OOO and MMM are the only ones to worry about IIRC). Trust me on this one (even though I am tired!)... use the OBSE version linked above and get rid of the others (the readme that comes with it tells you what it replaces).
I still don't know that it will fix the two different types of ingredients... it might, as I don't recall seeing that in my inventory. But then again, as I said above, I hardly ever use the Cobl grinders anymore, so my data is certainly skewed!
I have this same issue, and find that I get CTDs (repeatable) when I grind certain gems (using mortar and pestle, not COBL grinders), but not when powdering the others.
Most probable the MMM and COBL gems don't get along well, and powdering the gems created by (COBL?) makes the script throw an exception...?
FCOM creators - please review!
If you are getting CTDs when you try to grind gems, then you
definitely need that OBSE G&G mod! Seriously... same thing I said to Mr. Bibliophile: get the mod and uninstall the other G&G plugins you have. I can almost guarantee you will be happy with the results!
Hope this helps!