You could do a huge favor for a start

: please remove or make much more quiet that god annoying extremely loud woodcreeking-wind sweeping sound effect from the forest-start area whihc plays like every 3 seconds

You can use the english beta plugin... with what you can play it in english as far as the abbey.
Anyone knows if there is is a place where you can post suggestions/report bugs for the guys?
Haha...I noticed the sound too. I makes me go crazy. Drrraammm....Drroooom.

I didn't look in the CS yet, but I think it is actually a vanilla sound, only
much louder. At least I think I heard the same sound in the background when playing regular Oblivion, but it was so subtle that it was hard to notice. is the official forum, there is an english section in case you can't speak german.
EDIT: Just had a look in the CS and it is indeed a vanilla sound. Only that instead of -26db it has -9db static attenuation so it is much, much louder. Wonder why they did that, can't imagine anyone who wouldn't go insane after hearing that sound more than ten times in a row.