Yes, there are likely more than a few computers that would have trouble with it. It does run ok in DOSbox on a sufficiently fast Pentium III. Anything much older than that was probably running Windows 98 anyway and can therefore run the game. There will be a few systems in there that might have issues, though. 800 MHz and running Win2K could be an issue.

Many of the old games that were released on platforms like XBox LIve Arcade or iPhone were based on ports released for PC. John Carmack talked about choosing ports of DOOM and Wolfenstein 3D that made it easy to work with the iPhone. Sadly, Bethesda doesn't seem to be willing or able to release the source code for Daggerfall or Arena. If those games are like their newer games, the engines really might just contain far too much licensed code to make that a reasonable proposition.
If/when DaggerXL is sufficiently complete it will be an open-source project. Perhaps a version of that could find its way onto some consoles with some heavy UI redesign and legal fiddling. I imagine that would be years in the future, though.
In the mean time, DOSbox isn't that hard to use for this. Really. Working in technical support I've walked people who have never used a computer at all through repairing corrupted boot records through the Windows Recovery Console. If they can use a command prompt while being told by a guy on a phone, you can use it with some posted instructions and tips from the forums. Go go go!