Oblivion Mobile Guide

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:08 pm

Welcome To the Oblivion Mobile Guide

*STILL IN PROGRESS* Actually I'm just not going to finish

I wrote this guide to inform people who have no idea that Oblivion Mobile is a completely different game than Oblivion. One day I was looking through games to buy on my cell phone (just about any cell phone that can buy new games, can buy Oblivion Mobile, it's $7.99 for unlimited use) and I remembered that there was an Oblivion game on cell phones. So really hyped up for Oblivion on the go I bought it, and tried it out... I was extremely disappointed. It's only a 1 - 3 1/2 hour game depending on how you play. But the more and more I tried it out the more and more I realized that it is no where near close to Oblivion, it mixes so many different game mechanics together that it is really its own game. Just with an Oblivion theme. And that is precisely what it is, if you want an Elder Scrolls themed game on your cell phone buy Oblivion Mobile, if you want Oblivion, get it for the PC or a console. But not for a cell phone.

Game Mechanics
System: *There is no longer any skill based leveling, Oblivion Mobile has reverted back to classical Experience Points with pre-determined levels. Examples of this system are Dragon Warrior, Pokemon, the old school Final Fantasy's. Any game where you just do stuff and you level up without picking anything. Statistics are improved by a few points every level. *Death has no consequence what so ever in this game, you are reverted to the beginning of your current area, and all enemies you hurt before death stay at that heath you left them. *Your health and magicka both regenerate relatively fast, after a battle you can just wait a little bit instead of have to use a potion.*You are not able to hurt Citizens, Guards, or main quest line people. *The only way to buy or sell is to complete a mission and be sent to the "save and shopping menu". *The game auto saves every time you enter a new area, but you can only manually save at the end of a mission. There is one auto save slot and two manual save slots.
Sound: There is little sound in this game, Oblivion theme music at the beginning and end of the game, music for your deaths, and a short grunt noise after you kill one of your enemies.
Controls: Move Up ; Up > Move Down ; Down > Move Left ; Left > Move Right ; Right > Action / Attack ; SELECT > Quick Health ; S > Quick Magicka ; F > Toggle Attack / Magic ; D > Inventory ; SOFT1 > Menu / Back ; SOFT2
Skills: Acrobat: In game there will be actions that say "Jump" in order to proceed in the level, acrobat does nothing and serves no purpose./ Light Armor: Enables the use of light armors./ Medium Armor: Enables the use of medium armors./ Heavy Armor: Enables the use of heavy armors./ Axe Weapons: Enables the use of axes./ Long Blades: Enables the use of swords and claymores./ Short Blades: Enables the use of short swords and daggers./ Blunt Weapons: Enables the use of maces and hammers./ Marksman: Enables the uses of crossbows and longbows./ Unarmed Parry: You always have a melee or ranged weapon equiped, unarmed parry does nothing and serves no purpose./ Blocking: Anyone can use a shield and there is no way to block, blocking does nothing and serves no purpose.
General Statistics: 14 Missions, 4 Side Quests, 8 Classes, 35 Weapons, 40 Armor Pieces, 9 Spells, 10 Items, 10 Enemies, 9 Environments.

01 Prison Sewers You are a prisoner in the imperial prison, you see two guards and the Emperor trying to enter your cell. They become ambushed leaving only The Emperor, he slowly walks up to you giving you the Amulet of Kings, instructing you to give it to Jauffry, then dies. So you take his robes as a "Disguise" to escape the Prison. So you enter a secret passage way and go into some sewers. (optional) /You will run into a man named Wesley, he asks for you to help him clear out a den of Goblins getting ready to attack the city. Once you take out the leader you may leave the nest, Wesley rewards you with a steel broadsword./ Eventually you will come to the sewers exit displayed as "Surface". From here you are sent to the save and shopping menu.

02 Kvatch You walk into Weynon Priory and immediatly run into Jauffry, he asks you why you wear the Emperor's Robes, and bear the Amulet of Kings. You explain yourself, so Jauffre realizes the Emperor is dead, and all the heirs have been slain. He says you must find Martin the only illegitimate son of the Emperor in Kvatch. Jauffre leaves and you are suddenly in Kvatch, you continue by walking by gaurds in battle with Daedra, you ask two other gaurds what is going on and where is Martin. They tell you that he is lost in the Oblivion Gate that is pouring out Daedra, trying to deactivate it. You suddenly find yourself in Oblivion. (optional) /You see a man named Stefan right next to the entrance to Oblivion. He tells you that there are Daedroth leading Scamps, kill the Daedroth and he will reward you. There are three Daedroth, once you kill them Stefan gives you a Daedric Dagger./ In Oblivion eventually you will see Martin, he is trying to close the gate and agrees to come with you if you help him. You must deactivate four Daedric Stones in a certain order to close the Gate, after every stone you deactivate Daedra will ambush you. After all four are deactivated you must escape by entering the portal entrance. Once you do so you will be sent to the save and shopping menu.

03 Weynon Priory You are suddenly in Weynon Priory talking to Jauffre, he thanks you for saving Martin. Then he continues by saying the Mythic Dawn has stolen the Amulet of Kings. He asks you to retrieve it from the sewers they ran into, and then return Cloud Ruler Temple. So you walk around town battling cultists until you come across a trap door that is labled "Sewers". Once you enter it you are sent to the save and shopping menu.

04 Weynon Priory Sewers You have just entered the Weynon Priory Sewers. (optional) /You see a trap door the says "Examine Trapdoor", when you read it, you say, "Look, a door to the lower Levels.", when you enter the door you notice that there is no sign of Mythic Dawn down here, but you see a skeleton with a note of fresh blood. You realize it's the Troll Kings' Den and you could raid it for some treasure. You explore the first floor of the cave until you come to a trap door. You pop down to the second floor, and explore that one until you find the trapdoor to the Troll King's Den. Once you enter you will see him in the center of the small chamber, once he is dead you will suddenly appear back at the Trap Door near the sewers entrance with a new pair of Studded Leather Gloves./ Once you continue through the sewers you will come across a glowing trapdoor with two Mythic Dawn yelling at you. They try to kill you and you enter the door labled as "Hidden Shrine". Once you enter it you are sent to the save and shopping menu.

05 Hidden Shrine You are in the Hidden Shrines caves now. You will go around killing cultists until you come across Mankar Camoran giving a speech, he spots you and orders you to be killed, then runs away. You become ambused and have to kill all the cultists in the room. Then when they are all dead, you must walk over to the pillar and push "Examine". You take an old Tome off of it, you speak to yourself about it may being able to help Jauffre since Mankar escaped with the Amulet. Then you are sent to the save and shopping menu.

06 Cloud Ruler Temple You are suddenly in Cloud Ruler Temple, speaking with Jauffre and Martin. Martin says that the Tome is actually the Mysterium Xerxes, and was authored by Mehrunes Dagon himself, and that he will need time to translate its deep, dark secrets. Jauffre says that the book will most definately aid them. A gaurd runs in and whispers to Jauffre and runs out. Jauffre announces that there are assassins in Bruma trying to find and kill Martin. You say you will get right on that. You then leave out where it says, "To Bruma". You are then sent to the save and shopping menu.

07 Bruma You appear in the Bruma entrance. As you walk around you will come across a cultist named Avery talking about opening three minor gates to open up a greater gate into the city so they can kill Martin, they spot you and try to kill you. After they're dead you say that you should find these three minor gates. If you go right, it will lead you to a glowing door on a building. (optional) /But if you head north up town you will see a man named Vernon, saying he saw you kill the assassins. He asks you to help him find his commander, they got seperated fending off the last Daedric incursion into the city. So you leave out the north gate where it says, "Leave Bruma". You are in the first area of the wilderness, after you go around killing cultists you will come across a path leading to the next area. Once you are in the second area of the wilderness, make your way to the opposite corner of the map, Rufus, the commander your looking for is there. When you talk to him he's thankful to see you. You are instantly sent back in Bruma with Rufus next to Vernon, they both thank you and you are given a silver shortsword./ Once you walk up to the glowing door it will say, "Enter Basemant", go inside. The three minor gates are down here and cultists try to kill you. Once they're dead walk up to the gates and push, "Deactivate Gates". You are suddenly in Oblivion, you will battle many scamps all over until you see another gate with a Daedric Stone floating in front of it, push "Deactivate Gates". You will be sent to the save and shopping menu.

08 Azura's Star You are in Cloud Ruler Temple talking to Jauffre and Martin. You tell them of your victory over the assassins and the gates, they amend you and tell you that Martin has translated part of the Mysterium Xerxes. He say the book is a gateway to Mankar Camoran's paradise, where he is hiding with the stolen Amulet of Kings. The book says we need a few things to make a portal into the paradise. The first of these is a Daedric Artifact, you have heard rumors of where to find one, and leave to retrieve it. You are suddenly in a cave, walk around killing trolls and goblins until you find a pillar, push "Take Artifact". Then make your way back to the cave entrance where it says, "To Bruma". Select it, you will then be sent to the save and shopping menu.

09 Shrine of Sancre Tor You are in Cloud Ruler Temple talking to Jauffre and Martin. You give them Azura's Star and they tell you the second item they need, Tiber Septim's Divine Armor. You leave and immediatly arrive at the Shrine of Sancre Tor, you will run into a guard named Bayhem that tells you that you must pull four levers scattered around the map in a certain order. The one you need to pull lights up green. When you pull them all the middle of the map will open up and expose a pillar, walk up to it and push "Take Artifact". This will send you to the save and shopping menu.

10 Miscarcand You are in Cloud Ruler Temple talking to Jauffre and Martin. They congratulate you and the tell you that the next thing you need is a Great Welkynd Stone. They tell you of one in a ruined Ayleid city, Miscarcand. You are suddenly in an Ayleid Ruin, you walk up to an inscription on the wall that says, "Twilight falls upon the elves... May the Sun guide you... and the moon follow thereafter...". What you have to do here is find the Sun Totem towards the left of the map, you take it then place it in the marble pedestal with two hollow spaces in it. You will be harassed by spirits along the way. Then make your way towards the right of the map and you will find the Moon Totem, do the same thing with it. A bridge will extend, cross it and kill everything, when you kill the Ayleid Boss you will receive the Great Welkynd Stone. You will then be sent to the save and shopping menu.

11 Attack on Bruma You are in Cloud Ruler Temple talking to Jauffre and Martin, they immediately tell you that you now need a Great Sigil Stone. In order to get one they have to let the Mythic Dawn open up the gates in Bruma. You are suddenly in Oblivion, wander around until you see a green flashing Daedric Stone, walk up to it and push "Take Artifact", then walk back to the entrance of the gate. From here you will be sent to the save and shopping menu.

12 Mankar Camoran's Paradise You are in Cloud Ruler Temple talking to Jauffre and Martin, they immediately tell you that you have done a fabulous job and they are in debt to you, but you must now rest and talk to Martin when you are ready to go into Camoran's Paradise. When you talk to Martin you will be sent into a paradise. Wander around until you find Mankar Camoran, kill him, then you will be sent to the save and shopping menu.

13 The Imperial City You are suddenly in The Imperial City talking to Martin, he says the Lord of Destruction stands between you and the Dragonfires. You must make your way to the temple, you'll come across three enemies standing at the entrance, kill them for the key. Enter the temple door and you will be sent to the save and shopping menu.

14 The Dragonfires Once inside the temple Martin will light the dragonfires while you defend him, you will have to defeat many foes. Then you become overwhelmed and Martin finishes, you watch a cutscene of a Red Daedroth with wings taking on a red textured Cultist, Dagon gets banished. They show an epilogue to explain what just happened in case you couldn't pick up the cheesy ending. Then, save and shopping menu.

Epilogue Jauffre congratulates you and tells you you're free to go pretty much... /enter credits/

Classes Overview
Monk - Skills: Acrobat, Light Armor, Blunt Weapons, Marksman, Unarmed Parry, Axe Weapons. Spells: Shield, Fire Shield.
Nightblade - Skills: Acrobat, Light Armor, Long Blades, Short Blades. Spells: Shield, Fire Shield, Fire Blast, Poison, Sanctuary, Restore Health, Cure Poison.
Barbarian - Skills: Light Armor, Blocking, Blunt Weapons, Long Blades, Short Blades, Unarmed Parry. Spells: None.
Archer - Skills: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Blunt Weapons, Marksman. Spells: None.
Knight - Skills: Light Armor, Blocking, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Blunt Weapons, Long Blades. Spells: Sanctuary.
Spellsword - Skills: Light Armor, Blocking, Medium Armor, Long Blades, Short Blades, Marksman. Spells: Shield, Fire Shield, Fire Blast, Poison, Lightning Storm, Restore Health, Cure Poison.
Sorcerer - Skills: Acrobat, Light Armor, Short Blades. Spells: Shield, Fire Shield, Summon Scamp, Fire Blast, Poison, Sanctuary, Lightning Storm, Restore Health, Cure Poison.
Battlemage - Skills: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Blunt Weapons, Long Blades. Spells: Fire Blast, Poison, Cure Poison.

Mythic Dawn Cultists - A black armored man with a staff, mostly use melee, some cast Fire Blast or Poison, and some use marksman.
Goblins - A red textured scamp, all cast poison and scratch with their claws.
Daedroth - A giant brown walking lizard, scratches you with it's claws.
Scamps - A lore proper looking scamp, casts Fire Blast and scratches you with it's claws.
Blue Trolls - Deep blue textured trolls, they cast Fire Blast at close range and punch you to death, weak against fire blast.
Trolls - Pale tan textured trolls, they try to punch you to death, weak against fire blast.
Green Trolls - Green textured trolls, they cast Poison on you at close range and punch you to death, weak against fire blast.
Ghosts - Blue floating ghouls, they teleport, cast Fire Blast at you, and scratch you to death.
Liches - Red robed undead monsters, they cast Fire Blast and Poison at you.
Red Daedroth - A giant red walking lizard, stronger than a normal Daedroth, scratches you with it's claws.

Sewers - Standard Sewers, often having "Jump" markers to keep you from going back. Levels 01, 04 take place in sewers.
Towns - A snowy town with stone streets and walls with log cabin buildings. Levels 02, 03, 07 take place in towns.
Oblivion - A dark red hell decorated with fiery spiked pillars and buildings, Daedra everywhere. Levels 02, 07, 11 take place in Oblivion.
Caves - Dark, red rocks and stone pillars sit around everywhere, with blues mushrooms growing around. Levels 05, 08 take place in caves.
Temples - One big chamber with flags and marble pillars all along the walls. Levels 06, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 14 take place in temples.
Wilderness - Large rural area with grass and big dirt patches, some broken marble pillars. Level 07 take place in the wilderness.
Imperial Ruins - A dark stonework chamber with flora growing around. Level 09 takes place in the Imperial Ruins.
Ayleid Ruins - Bushes and dirt covered marble chambers with pillars and ruined walls, rather pretty. Level 10 takes place in the Ayleid Ruins.
Paradise - A beautiful landscape full of flora and old marble ruins. Level 12 takes place in paradise.
The Imperial City - A beautiful white stonework city covered in flora and marble. Level 13 takes place in the Imperial City.

Known Bugs
*The environment is semi-random, so everything is in the same places, but they mix up how the land looks, every time they apply this feature some of the ground does not texture well with each other. Over-lapping itself. Not a very noticeable problem.
*Enemies don't have any boundaries unlike the player, they can walk through walls, on water, and float over gaps. Killing them in this state makes their dropped treasure unreachable.
*Equipment will randomly disappear, weapons, armor, but not items. In your status it will show you still have the attack and defense rating from the equipment but it will not be in your inventory.
*The weapons class availabilities were labeled wrong so Monks cannot use Axes, and Knights and Barbarians are able to use Axes. Monks can use Long Blades.
*During leveling up you never see Personality improve but eventually it will be higher than any other attribute.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:13 am

This is a very useful guide, thanks for putting it together.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:02 pm

No problem. :)

The only sad part about all of this, is I can't even play it anymore, let alone finish this guide (if it even needed to be). I got a new phone, the game couldn't be transferred over, and I can't afford Vcast anymore. So, it was a fun little game while it lasted.

I'm glad to see that some people enjoyed reading this over or at the very best learned something they might have missed beating it themselves.
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