I was wondering if anything specific had been posted regarding the matchmaking for the console versions of Brink (360 player here)? I had originally thought this game was going to be running on servers for all platforms so I was a little upset when I heard that the console versions would be MM. That said I play many games and also play a lot of Halo/Reach so I know that MM can work well when done right. I try not to think of games done poorly like Gears of War 2 *shudder*. But I will say I have some concerns given the ability for losers to cheat on hosted games.
From everything I've read it seems like there will MM options to match with players around your level along with host migration should the chosen host quit. However, do we have any details on if the MM service is using region filters, if you can specify a "good" connection as a priority over level/rank, etc...??
Any information is appreciated. I'm confident that Splash Damage will deliver a solid experience especially given their detail in the game itself but I would love further info. :tops:
I look forward to discussing the game with other fans. :foodndrink: