I thought there was possibility of a mini-rant?
Basically, my advice to EPICFAIL, learn to take advice and first off, read the Sticky by IN, read and/or join some current RP's. Other than that, stop posting useless threads.
I just read the entire thread, but it's clear what our problem is.
EPIC is use to sloppy, unprofessional, and lazy fanfic/and rps. He's ignorant, not an idiot.
It's not pity that compels me, just an understanding as to how difficult it is to change sites and try your best on a place that's home to such talent such as Solidor, Adeth, Immortal, redsrock, etc...
Try giving him helpful advice and stop mocking his efforts. He may seem stubborn but then so does a pup. You have to help them hone their sense of balance, the rules, and what's acceptable and what's not. I apologize EPIC. From now on, just PM(personal message) me and I'll help you with anything you need. Until you're prepared to step out into the world of ES rp's and fanfics, I'll guide you along the narrow path. I'm no brilliant artist here, but I believe I can help you a little.
Good luck,