I am using http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19772 as part of Better Music System.
Now I have run into a severe problem when I tried to uninstall it!
I need to uninstall it temporarily in order to debug some issues with my mod, which won't run StreamMusic commands properly. As I suppose that there's some conflict with EMC, I tried to remove it by deleting the EnhancedMusicControl.dll file from the OBSE Plugin folder. This is the only way to uininstall it, from my understanding of the documentation.
But now my game won't play any background music anymore!! Neither when loading a game saved before uninstallation, nor in a completely new game!
There are no other music mods activated, which might cause this. I also removed SoundCommands.dll, but this doesn't make a difference.
Is this a known problem, or am I doing anything wrong?
Thanks alot for your help!