Makes walking sounds waaaaay more realistic.
Hahaha, I didn't know that existed...*yoink*
Two that I use: Audia Arcanum and Symphony of Violence. Also, Better Music System, though that's not the same kind of mod, I know.
I personally did not like some of the changes AA did, but I <3 the mod author so I still have it on my HDD

I also second Symphony of Violence, and BMS is an excellent (really the only) music system mod with a somewhat cranky modder

Absolutely love BMS, but I keep switching back to no music.
Looking at Varied Spell Sounds, it says to use the VSS_SM esp INSTEAD of the Supreme Magicka esp when using the two together...Wouldn't that make the SM portion of it horribly outdated?
I use the original .esp, loaded early as per BOSS, and import the sound changes via BASH. Makes me a very happy SM/LAME user