» Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:00 pm
If I'm not mistaken, Windows 7 Home Security is one of the most common and stubborn bits of malware; a fake security program that gives you popups about fake viruses, urging you to purchase the program so that it can get your credit card info. It blocks access to other programs, both to hinder your ability to remove it and to increase the feel that you've got viruses. The popups are annoying, but no, you're not suddenly afflicted with dozens of viruses. Just that one.
Reboot into Safe Mode with networking (press F8 while the computer loads), and turn off proxy settings in your internet options. MalwareBytes is generally recommended for problems of this nature, so get and run it. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110323135528AAZYUjX recommends another tool, but I haven't used it myself and can't vouch for it.