» Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:46 pm
one who seeks to protect, i guess, since that's part of my name... but i can hardly associate myself with King Arthur though. i think i'd want to ride a immortal horse and be immortal myself, charging into battle with my immortal army and if for whatever reason moral declines, fire them up again, even if only by leading by example. preferably though, by words. i wouldn't even want the credit of a leading figure, just be in that position and fire people up.
in games i used to play, i went for paladins, especially those with flashy spells that deal massive damage in short time, to a lot of enemies at the same time. with my Revan character for example, it was immensely fun to Force Storm and good lightsaber duel and with Jedi Exile, Force Crush(Crash, whichever it was) and again, a good lightsaber duel.