-hud will have toggle option
-water will now have dynamic independent flow
-yea we'll be killing dragons lol
-will have a perk system similar to fallouts but how similar is yet to be seen
-you will no longer be choosing a class as you start but building you're own through out the game
-you are a dragon born....
Dark Elf (Dunmer)
High Elf (Altmer)
Wood Elf (Bosmer)
Orc (Orsimer)
As I said I don't know much so please help me out. I just made this account so im not sure if I can go back and edit this post if I can I will constantly update with the info you guys give me and what I find out as time goes by. Once again thanks
Edit - the point of this post is for the people just joining the forum in stead of having to track down all the info they are looking for it will all be one post.Also im just talking mainly about the major stuff like races perks game estimated length and new features