After becoming the Grand Champion, I decided to venture to Chorrol. At the time I was swinging my enchanted Katana about for no particular reason, I should had been more careful as one of the Chorrol Guards happened to walk in front of me, at this point I was in one of those "Kill everything in sight" moods, so I decide to whack this guard the upside the head with my sword, he comes running up to me, face close up at the screen as the guard can get. And say's. "Hey, I know you! You're the Grand Champion! Nobody thought you could beat that Orc but you shown them" He proclaims boastfully. He stands with a massive grin on his face as the dialogue ends between us, and my character powerfully swings. A spark of lightning emits from the sword and the guard goes FLYING, up into the air. And lands on one of the roofs.
At this point being quite fresh to Oblivion, it bought me and my cousin a big lol. Sadly, I tried to repeat my former "Flying Thunder Guard Technique" but it didn't work again.