Question regarding online play

Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:25 am

My PC is currently broken until I build a new one for BF3. Now Ive been wanting to play Brink for a while now and have it on pre order for PS3. However, when I was looking over the facts it stated that consoles online would be using peer to peer. Now this wont stop me buying Brink (it looks too much of a good game). But I was wondering why are they not being put on dedicated servers like PC? It seems to me that it is a money saving technique I could well be wrong as my knowledge in this area is severely patchy at best. If anyone does know the answer I would really appreciate being put in the light.
EDIT: I do apologise if this topic has been asked already.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:49 am

Console-based dedicated servers have to be run via the console manufacturer, making them more expensive than on PC, where users can create their own.

Also... You seem to have got the words "" and "" mixed up...

But yes, console games often run on P2P instead of dedicated servers. Although a few companies are looking at setting up custom dedicated server options, so hopefully game developers will support them, and it'll reduce the cost of including that option. Wouldn't surprise me if nothing come of it though. We'll see, I guess.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:11 pm

Console-based dedicated servers have to be run via the console manufacturer, making them more expensive than on PC, where users can create their own.
So in effect they are just cutting corners for cost? If this is the case it is rather objectionable

Also... You seem to have got the words "" and "" mixed up...
My bad lol, I was reading an article involving the word 'pier' at the time of writing and I got mixed up :) Ill edit it.
But yes, console games often run on P2P instead of dedicated servers. Although a few companies are looking at setting up custom dedicated server options, so hopefully game developers will support them, and it'll reduce the cost of including that option. Wouldn't surprise me if nothing come of it though. We'll see, I guess.
I hope you are right, one of the reason I want to get back to PC gaming

My bold, thanks for the info
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:14 pm

Dedicated servers on consoles usually have to be rented through your console's network, so they would have to pay MS or Sony.

Peer to peer, or when a player has to host the server, he'll need usually about a 5KB/s upload rate per player (besides himself) and should be able to download about 10KB/s of data for all the other players as well. The upload rate actually goes up depending on how many players are in the server, and how much information any one player needs to see at any given time (If all 16 players are visible to each other, and all performing visible actions, this requires the most upload bandwidth.). So since this game is capped to 16 players, it's pretty much well within the capabilities of the average residential broadband connection.

If you can upload at 150KB/s (1.2Mb/s upload pipe) you are most likely absolutely golden, but you prob only need half of that. As for downloading, well, that's a non-issue, who can't download more then half a megabyte a second nowadays anyways?
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:02 pm

Dedicated servers on consoles usually have to be rented through your console's network, so they would have to pay MS or Sony.

Peer to peer, or when a player has to host the server, he'll need usually about a 5KB/s upload rate per player (besides himself) and should be able to download about 10KB/s of data for all the other players as well. The upload rate actually goes up depending on how many players are in the server, and how much information any one player needs to see at any given time (If all 16 players are visible to each other, and all performing visible actions, this requires the most upload bandwidth.). So since this game is capped to 16 players, it's pretty much well within the capabilities of the average residential broadband connection.

If you can upload at 150KB/s (1.2Mb/s upload pipe) you are most likely absolutely golden, but you prob only need half of that. As for downloading, well, that's a non-issue, who can't download more then half a megabyte a second nowadays anyways?

Ahh thats reassuring to know. As I said, Im not very knowledgeable in this area of computing and have always been under the assumption that dedicated servers are better than peer to peer. Good to know then hopefully performance will be alright.
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