The premise is simple: A *Reason* for the PC to butcher NPCs in a violent and cruel manner. What the Mod aims to do is simulate the urge to commit murder through a series of Buffs/Debuffs based on the PC's "Mental State"-- as time passes, your mental state drains, and you need to kill in order to regain your Mental State.
Mental State has three Levels:
- Normal - A typical person. During this time the PC can function correctly in society, and seems to be perfectly normal.
- High - After a Kill, the PC is feeling on top of the world, is more confident and better able to engage with life's hardships (i.e., has Buffs)
- Low - Too long without killing negatively affects the PC's ability to function, making it harder to blend in (i.e., has Debuffs)
It's only early days, but the idea is that the system will randomly generate your "killer profile" when the Mod first loads-- it will determine which Gender your PC goes after (Male, Female, or Either), which of the Ten Vanilla Races (or all of them), the "high" they get from a kill and how fast their mental state drops (which affects how often they need to kill); also it will determine how they react to having a bounty-- do they get confident, or do they get nervouse; does it make them need to kill more, or less?
Roleplaying is, of course, involved-- you'll need to define your own story about how the PC copes, the Mod just aims to make it more fun, and challenge you a little (by deciding your victim profile)
Note: Obviously I know this doesn't represent the true complexity of real mental conditions which can cause people to become serial killers, but the idea is to try and make it fun/playable, whilst also making it an interesting alternative style of gameplay.