So now I downloaded a few more mods on top of the ones from before, and it now crashes frequently when I:
Draw my weapon
Attack with my weapon
Use a spell
I can't help feeling it has something to do with the mods I've got installed. Here is a list of them:
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul
24 Hour Arena Alive
Actors In Charge
Alternative Start
Andrew's No Quest Items
Better Oblivion Sorting Software
Capes and Cloakes
Deadly Reflex
Facial Features
Living Economy
Loading Screens Theme Replacer
Midas Magic Spells of Aurum
Natural Environments
Oblivion Polygone Overhaul
Oblivion Sound Sets
Quest Award Leveller
Reneer's Guard Overhaul
Ren's Beauty Pack
Scimitar Mod
Streamline 3.1
Sword of the Rivan King
Toaster Says Share
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Wisdom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System
I also have Oblivion Mod Manager installed. Is this some sort of conflict between mods or what?
Any help is appreciated.