I recently bought a new computer and finally picked up a copy of Oblivion. I've been playing it for a couple of weeks now and am beginning to mod the content a bit. Since I suspect I will have numerous questions concerning the installation and use of various mods I figured I might as well start a thread I can come back to at need, rather than starting a new thread every time I have a question. So here goes:
I've played Morrowind for a couple of years and I've installed and used mods with that game. What are the major differences i the mod installation process between Morrowind and Oblivion? Is it that mods in Oblivion edit the .ini file?
I've downloaded OBMM and finally gotten it working. Then I installed DarkUId DarN (strange name for a mod) -- you know, the one that modifies UI. The various icons have a default size and position, but the UI comes with a extra tab that lets you shift them around on the screen. Unfortunately these changes aren't committed to memory, and the UI reverts back to default after restart. There's a little message at the bottom of the UI tab that says you should record the settings and points out that these changes have to be modified permanently in the hudmainmenu_config.xml file. I don't really recognize the .xml extension and neither does my OS, so what program can I use to edit this file -- or do I have to be a python programmer? (Because I'm really really not.)
Also, I installed DarkUId with small font, and I'm wondering how I could go back and change it to large.
Can I use OBMM to unistall mods as well? I can RTFM so just point me in the direction of a good how-to if that's too stupid a question to answer.
Any other help or advice gratefully accepted, and beginners with other questions please feel free to hijack this thread at your leisure with your own questions.