Before I post my thoughts, I'd like to say that I don't disagree with your anolysis of the problems inherent in using the CS: it's true that for new modders the way objects are organized in the CS seems somewhat arbitrary, that the wiki documentation could be improved, and that the CS is unpolished and contains bugs. And, yes, more experienced modders sometimes take things for granted. An unfortunate side-effect of human nature and sometimes a by-product of the desire not to insult another modder's intelligence. Sometimes we leave out the details
because we are afraid of appearing to be looking down our noses. Please understand that I mean my comments to be taken as kindly teasing. I fully sympathize with your situation, having been there myself only recently.
But I've modded for other games as well, and in comparison, Oblivion is a sweetheart. I might even go so far as to say that the CS is the teletubby of modding. Try creating a new NPC, complete with AI routines and dialogue for Half-life 2. You need, at a minimum, an experienced modeler, texture artist, animator, and C++ programmer. And Valve has a modding community as large as Oblivion's with many very experienced modders and tons of documentation and new mods coming out every day. Oblivion modders just have no idea how easy they have it. It's the principal reason I've stayed.

Would we like to see improvements in all of these areas? Of course. Are we being lax in our duties to our fellow modders? I don't believe that any of the serious modders are. Most of the really experienced modders are either too busy trying to overcome engine limitations or creating something really tremendous out of the blood, sweat, and tears of their peers to make equally substantial contributions to the documentation. DragoonWraith is a notable exception in that he is somehow managing to do all three.
I would love to see your contributions in this area. I write tutorials myself, and I devote a great deal of attention to making sure that every fact is correct and that no step has been left out. It's hard, it's time-consuming, and it's tedious. It is like modding in almost every respect. I encourage you to turn your obvious literary virtuosity toward this noble and worthwhile end. If you're not too busy working on your mod, that is.