Oh, ok, but if I'm not worg, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa in installed by WryBash itself... OBMM installs obmm\BSAInvalidation.bsa. So what's the meaning? A waste?
This point is the motivation for my first question: "Why?" If that is Bash's BSA, then Bash will take care of the registration. Leave it alone. However, ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! uses the same name for its BSA, if I recall correctly, so I do not really know the circumstances of that BSA at this point.
Edit: If that is Bash's BSA, BSA Redirection must already be checked. If you right-click on Packages in the Installers tab, that option should have a check mark next to it. Otherwise, I do not know why Bash would've dropped that BSA in the Data folder...