[RELZ] Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.2.0 thru 3.2.9 HOTFIXES , UOMP Knights Updates [RELZ]
[RELz] Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) 0018
TESCS and OBSE documentation issues
[RELz] Oblivion Magic Extender v1.beta3
The first one tells you what it is in plain speak, except for the UOMP bit, which would be perfectly clear, upon reading the OP of that thread, most likely.
The second one just tells you what it is - again, in plain speak.
The third one, you can tell by the association from the second one (i.e, Oblivion Script Extender = OBSE) what half of that is, and the other half, only really matters if you are an Oblivion modder (a person who makes them, that is) - but either way, reading the OP of the thread should be enough to get the gist.
The last one is like the second. Plain speak. Beta isn't an uncommon term, anywhere online.
Any more?

edit: Version numbers are also
everywhere, online.
edit2: I'd say you have half of one, so far.

update: Actually, you win - the latest thread, just started, is something like "OOO 133 uninstallation", or close enough. Yeah.

One and a half, even. But then, I shouldn't have taken what you said originally, so literally. Hyperbole, anyone?