» Sat May 28, 2011 5:51 pm
Pleaaaaaaaase stop this thread THIS is why developers are afraid to spend time on things like animation, THIS is why developers are afraid to spend time on control schemes, menus, etc THINGS THAT ACTUALLY MATTER and here you are complaining about how this guys leather helmet is too blurry in a still shot - games are not still shots they are in motion and when games wow you by their still shots you know time has been taken away from other more important aspects, some of them graphical in nature like animations. Please look at the smiths forging, the wood choppers chopping, look at the game in motion and tell me its not more impressive then oblivion or any other open world RPG currently on the market. Environments look great and thats what TES has always been about.
Also what you're seeing is a limitation of the console hardware. You think they designed that texture in a 256x256 resolution? No, the artist designed it at 1024x1024 and then they had to shrink it to get the performance they needed.