Which Enemies are going to be jacked up or taken down a notc

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:39 pm

Upon watching the Trailer i have come to the conclusion that certain enemies are going to be made a little stronger. For one thing i noticed the size of that troll. Yes it is an ice troll but a troll none the less and if you play the trailer again you will notice the sound that thing makes when it roars. Compare that to the sound of the trolls and the size of the trolls from oblivion. I think they plan on making trolls much more powerful creatures but i doubt they'll gang up on u as much as they did In OB. I am also looking at the way that combat works. Combat seems alot more realistic with finishers and everything and so maybe fights will be alot shorter and more damage will be dealt per blow. this could work both ways in that you dish out more damage compared to oblivion but you also receive more. I think that would actually be a good direction considering how long it took to kill people on oblivion sometimes especially at higher levels. Or sometimes you say. yes im strong...but a swords a sword and i should be more injured. Anyway i do wish to have trolls be more fearsome this time around but for the love of god no super goblins... more then enough time was i paralyzed repeatedly until death.
would you people actually like to jack up or lower the strength certain enemies this time around? which enemies and why?
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:33 pm

The way I see it is the trolls and giants are frikkin big enemies. So it would make a lot more sense for them to be much stronger and difficult to take down. Goblins should be very weak, I mean in Oblivion they were scrawny, yet were still strong. A hit from a hammer should easily break the shield arm of a goblin, disarm him, or at least knock him to the ground.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:54 am

The way I see it is the trolls and giants are frikkin big enemies. So it would make a lot more sense for them to be much stronger and difficult to take down. Goblins should be very weak, I mean in Oblivion they were scrawny, yet were still strong. A hit from a hammer should easily break the shield arm of a goblin, disarm him, or at least knock him to the ground.

well said
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:59 am

Freaking bears man, I hate being killed by these stupid things in the game
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:28 pm

Upon watching the Trailer i have come to the conclusion that certain enemies are going to be made a little stronger. For one thing i noticed the size of that troll. Yes it is an ice troll but a troll none the less and if you play the trailer again you will notice the sound that thing makes when it roars. Compare that to the sound of the trolls and the size of the trolls from oblivion. I think they plan on making trolls much more powerful creatures but i doubt they'll gang up on u as much as they did In OB. I am also looking at the way that combat works. Combat seems alot more realistic with finishers and everything and so maybe fights will be alot shorter and more damage will be dealt per blow. this could work both ways in that you dish out more damage compared to oblivion but you also receive more. I think that would actually be a good direction considering how long it took to kill people on oblivion sometimes especially at higher levels. Or sometimes you say. yes im strong...but a swords a sword and i should be more injured. Anyway i do wish to have trolls be more fearsome this time around but for the love of god no super goblins... more then enough time was i paralyzed repeatedly until death.
would you people actually like to jack up or lower the strength certain enemies this time around? which enemies and why?

I remember trolls being pretty tough in Oblivion. I had to sprint through that level with the painted trolls.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:59 pm

Freaking bears man, I hate being killed by these stupid things in the game

LOL...but wait a minute... thats a bear... bears r supposed to be that strong lol. dont u think? if they made them weak then anyone culd kill a bear. and that wuld kinda like..make bears lame. on the other hand. maybe horses were a little too strong..well not too strong. but too relentless. if u started a fight with a horse... it wuld just march u down until u died or it lost u. that svcks when ur level 3.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:31 pm

I think atronachs need to all be high level enemies. I don't like fire being weak, frost being intermediate and storm being strongest. Oh and then in SI the flesh ones were all different. Let's make them all boss, so I worry about them all.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:04 am

I remember trolls being pretty tough in Oblivion. I had to sprint through that level with the painted trolls.

I think that depends on what level you came in at and painted trolls are stronger then normal trolls. and what race you were..and class. i was a knight so it was easy for me. if u play bosmers like ur prfile pic suggestthen it was probably alot harder.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:58 pm

Love the part in the trailer were the axe comes crashing down the draugrs face and his head snaps back and takes the impact and the crunch too when the axe hit. I was very brutal. Watch igns rewind of the trailer and it will show that part in detail.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:29 pm

The way I see it is the trolls and giants are frikkin big enemies. So it would make a lot more sense for them to be much stronger and difficult to take down. Goblins should be very weak, I mean in Oblivion they were scrawny, yet were still strong. A hit from a hammer should easily break the shield arm of a goblin, disarm him, or at least knock him to the ground.

Yes weaker goblins, they are typically low level enemies, they also has bad loot, nice for level 1-10 dungeons.
The big boys, trolls ogres and giants should be medium to high end enemies, undead was pretty ok in Oblivion, many types of different strengths.
Liches, wraiths and similar is level 50. Daedra is also high level enemies.
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JR Cash
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:49 pm

Cliffracers. They're natives to Skyrim after all. Now make them much rarer, but-




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aisha jamil
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:28 am

UBER rats and mudcrabs.. too long have they been opressed by everyone its time for them to rise up!

on a slightly more serious note.. cliffracers should be stronger considering they managed to drive dragons away from morrowind, and would be a nice moment to watch a flock of cliff racers trying to take on a dragon, sort of like sabertooths and mammoths,
thats something previous games missed, alot of creatures should have some inclination to fight, not as in walk into a dungeon to find some huge battle royal, but to divvy upn the animal factions into a sort hunter/prey scenario, hunters generally being stronger, although mammoths are beasty prey
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:26 pm

UBER rats and mudcrabs.. too long have they been opressed by everyone its time for them to rise up!

on a slightly more serious note.. cliffracers should be stronger considering they managed to drive dragons away from morrowind, and would be a nice moment to watch a flock of cliff racers trying to take on a dragon, sort of like sabertooths and mammoths,
thats something previous games missed, alot of creatures should have some inclination to fight, not as in walk into a dungeon to find some huge battle royal, but to divvy upn the animal factions into a sort hunter/prey scenario, hunters generally being stronger, although mammoths are beasty prey

Im pretty sure the Cliff Racers didn't push dragons away with Combat, the dragons ate most of them but there was so many that they just were overwhelmed and decided to bounce
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:30 pm

Given the Nordic theme it'd be nice if things like wolves were a bit more fearsome. Folklore is full of tales about dangerous wolves, but in Oblivion they were just a mild nuisance for the most part.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:46 pm

UBER rats and mudcrabs.. too long have they been opressed by everyone its time for them to rise up!

on a slightly more serious note.. cliffracers should be stronger considering they managed to drive dragons away from morrowind, and would be a nice moment to watch a flock of cliff racers trying to take on a dragon, sort of like sabertooths and mammoths,
thats something previous games missed, alot of creatures should have some inclination to fight, not as in walk into a dungeon to find some huge battle royal, but to divvy upn the animal factions into a sort hunter/prey scenario, hunters generally being stronger, although mammoths are beasty prey

You dont have to be strong to drive off another animal. Especially in flying creatures. if you know anyting about prehistoric animals it is theorized the last of flying reptiles were pretty much harassed into death by early birds. its because cliffracers r more agile and reproduce faster. they can come in large number and fly around u. and attack u and u cant reach them. like being attacked by ants. so its not really strength. just like in war... a tank is a death machine...unless ur standing close to it. minus teh machine gun ...lol
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:06 pm

We now have packs of wolves, and more bandits instead of bandits with glass axes, so that's a good start.
As for the rest, if you can kill a normal troll at level 5, that's fine, we are playing heroes here, as long as the least of monsters are strong enough to kill normal folk that's fine.
One guard should be ripped apart by a troll, two should have a chance.
And keep bears hard as nails, a Kodiak will kill you with even a half assed swipe.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:01 pm

Love the part in the trailer were the axe comes crashing down the draugrs face and his head snaps back and takes the impact and the crunch too when the axe hit. It was very brutal. Watch igns rewind of the trailer and it will show that part in detail.

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:32 pm

Balancing the feel of combat seems to be the primary focus of Skyrim (And with good reason, a Viking's life is a brutal one!) so I hope to see great improvements to how enemies behave in combat. One thing I hope is really revamped, but at the same time, made much harder, is stealth/archery play. Playing around in Oblivion and more recently FO3/NV, I find that combat feels great overall, but Stealth Gameplay is a little disappointing, because of it's ease. Particularly enemy behavior. If someone is in mid conversation with a colleague , who gets his head blown off by a sniper, is the proper reaction to scurry around for a few seconds and then talk to someone else? I mean, I can expect this type of behavior from animals, but NPC's who witness something like that should scatter, fan out and really give you hell, if you're brazen enough to pull something like that.

Changing (At least humanoid NPCs) in a manner that makes them much harder to pick off like that, reinforces the "Stealth" gameplay, by forcing players to really pick and choose things like ambush spots, or maybe even go so far as to hide corpses out of plain sight. Not really combat related, but stealing too, should have a rework to be High risk-reward. Maybe actually encouring things like breaking in after closing, instead of just taking everything in plain sight, in the middle of the day. Oblivion curbed the desire to steal, by making it totally pointless (Unless you like iron swords), but that turned out to be even worse than doing nothing at all, since it pretty much made an entire style of play unrewarding.

Basically, make "People" smarter, but make animals stronger.
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