i.e. The Nords are like our Norseman of the Baltic & Scandinavia, the Imperials are like the Roman Empire of south & central Europe & the Mediterranean. I'm guessing that the Bretons are loosely based on the celtic people of Cornwall & Britanny in the UK & France.
what about the other races? Do you see them similar to any other people?
I see the human races in TES similar to European and African people as shown above. Their skin colour being from a flesh pink through to brown. The Elven races I see more as oriental / native American people as in Chinese, Japanese, Siberian & Mongolian. Thier skin colour being yellow (with the exception of dunmer & orcs who had their skin changed). America in TES is merged in with Asia which is kinda correct as native Americans came across from Asia and were NE Asia genetically.
The orcs I see as a Mongolian / Hun type people as short, but very strong and stocky. I see them more as semi-nomadic who live off wild live stock as opposed to farming and settled society.
The Dunmer I see as a Siberian / Japanese people. The Siberian as in like the native American Indian who live in tents (like the traditional Dunmer in Morrowind) and the Japanese as in their more advanced Dunmer who live in structured society. I see them as the main users of katana sword, light armor and bow.
The Altmer I see like a more orderly society like that of ancient China or Thailand crossed with a type of Atlantis idea. I see them as the ones to invent silk robes, spectacles or gunpowder etc. I'm sure they seem mystique to the Imperials the same way the orient seems that way to the Europeans.
The Bosmer I see like Vietnamese, Burmese & Cambodians or south American Indians living in amongst the tree close to nature. They are also short in height.
The Khajiit I see possibly like India / Persia due to them being like tigers, their names and the fact they live in jungle & dessert which is like India / Persia.
Anyone else have oppinions?