Well, not exactly a console, but it DOES appear in the top-left corner of the screen.
Chances are that someone has discovered this before, so I thought I'd better ask. I was playing a bit of Daggerfall, and I must have pressed something, as suddenly http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/6869/fall001rm7.png came up on my screen. It seems to display information on the active quest, including the quest file (_BRISIEN, being the quest with Lady Brisienna's letter), the player's co-ordinates (which, strangely enough, seem to be in the order X, Z, Y) as well as mentions of flags, which I believe are relevant to the numerous stages of a quest.
Anyway, does anybody know how to make this come up or how to make it go away? After saving and exiting the game, it didn't appear again on my reload. I'd really like to know how to activate this.